Gonore caused by small bacteria-shaped diplokokus (such as the form of coffee beans that split), which is known by the name of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bacteria and destroy this inherent human mucous like that are on the genitals, anus vagina, mucous eyes, and throat. This disease is almost always transmitted through sexual relations, either vaginal, anus, mouth, or with someone who already has the infection without a condom. However, transmission of disease can also result because the "touch hands", clothing, or goods that could have been used.
Risk of transmission from men to women is higher than of women to men, mainly because of more contact area and duration of the mucous membrane exposure. For each contact time, men have a possibility of about 20 percent suffered from this disease, while women have a 40 percent chance of suffering from this male is infected. The contact is the second time the possibility increase to 75 percent.
Gonore can spread through the bloodstream to other body parts, especially skin and joint. In the women, gonore able to lick sex lines and menginfeksi membrane in pinggul so pinggul pain relief and even reproductive interference infertilitas (barren). Women most at risk have high spread of infection at the time of menstruation. Transmission can also occur to the baby at birth, who, when not known, and treated, can cause blindness.
Symptoms and Sign / STI / gallery.htmPada men, symptoms usually arise early gonore within 2-10 days after infection. Symptoms begin as a malaise, "hot" in the urethra (urine channel water out), and several hours later, followed by pain and discharge pus berkemih colored sulfur from the tip of the genitals. In most cases, men will soon be a treatment because the symptoms are. Because infeksinya known and treated quickly, the rare men who have experienced more complications.
In the women, early symptoms can occur within 7-21 days after infection. However, approximately 50 to 70 percent of infected women show no symptoms, and the disease is known only after the couple relationship seksualnya contagious. If symptoms develop, are usually mild. But some patients who showed symptoms of weight, such as pressure to berkemih, when berkemih painful, pus discharge fluid from the vagina, and fever. Women who show little or no symptoms become the main source of spread of infection and the risk penyulit. Widespread infection of the neck can be the womb, the womb, channels eggs, ovary, urethra, vagina and rectum and cause pain when pinggul in the sexual relation.
Women and gay men who have sex through the anus (anal sex) can suffer gonore the vagina duburnya. People will not feel comfortable around duburnya, pain during defecate, and duburnya burrow out of fluid. Area around the anus appear red and rough, and tinjanya terbungkus by mucus and pus.
Sexual relationship through the mouth (oral sex) with a patient gonore usually cause akan gonore the throat (faringitis gonokokal). Generally these infections do not cause symptoms, but sometimes cause pain when the throat and swallow interference. / STI / gallery.htmJika fluid on the infected eye, it can cause eye infections outside (konjungtivitis gonore). In the adults can occur through the fingers of the new tercemar the pus accidentally. A new born baby can also be infected gonore from his mother during childbirth so that the swelling occurs in both eyes and sheath out pus from his eyes. If the infection is not treated, it will cause blindness.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Gonore disease diagnosis is based on the results of the examination mikroskopik of pus, which causes the bacteria found gonore. If the examination mikroskopik not found the bacteria, then the propagation is done in the laboratory.

Gonore usually treated with a single injection seftriakson intramuskuler (through the muscle) or by giving antibiotics per oral (by mouth) for one week (usually given doksisiklin). In addition to the gonore treat the disease, patients must also be checked for the possibility of suffering from venereal disease that can cause a more serious penyulit. Other drugs that also includes the recommended penicillin, ampisilinamoksisilin, tetrasiklin hidroklorida, or spektinomisin. But as often happens the indiscriminate use of drugs, often found that bacteria resistant to multiple drugs. Usually recommended re-examination 6 weeks after treatment, because approximately 15 percent will be infected again, and perhaps because kekambuhan. If gonore has spread through the bloodstream, patients are usually treated in the hospital and get antibiotics intravena (through a vein or infus). Another thing that must be observed that all sexual contact and sexual infected patients should be evaluated and offered treatment to prevent the spread of this disease further.

Until now the vaccine is not available for this disease, and also doubt the existence of immunity after being infected this disease. The use of condoms can prevent the disease but do not guarantee for other venereal diseases.

Djuanda, Adhi, et al. Dermatology and sex,-ed.3. Jakarta: FKUI, 2002
Price, Sylvia Anderson. Pathophysiology: clinical concepts of disease processes, 6 / E. Elsevier Science, 2002
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